Monday, June 3, 2013

So, the third Injustice DLC character IS in fact Scorpion

Which, if there was any doubt thus far, seems to make it pretty clear that the final one will be Zod.

Anyway, in case you didn't catch it yet, here's a lil' video revealing some gameplay, as well as the design of the new character.

I'll be honest, I'm not too pleased with this decision at all. I get that a log of commenters are saying that you should just be happy to get DLC chars and whatnot, but, as many people have pointed out, there already exists a MK vs DC game where they could do this stuff (and Scorpion was in that anyway, wasn't he?), whilst here he takes a spot that could be filled by a bunch of actual DC characters which, admittedly, were the characters people were excited to play instead of a video game character from another franchise. A couple of characters I'd rather have seen, just off the top of my head:

Martian Manhunter
Beast Boy
Black Canary
Power Girl
Poison Ivy
Alexander Luthor
Superboy Prime
Elongated Man
Star Sapphire
The Atom
Doctor Fate
Black Hand
Green Lantern Stewart
And more...

You know, just off the top of my head.

I'm quite aware that some of the choices above are repeatedly constantly online, but frankly, there's a reason everyone's howling for Martian Manhunter to be in the game: he's a great character, and his powers could make for both interesting gameplay and some freakin' rad animations.

My biggest problem, however, is actually NOT with the fact that it's Scorpion, of all characters, but the fact that I feel it undermines what I saw as a good attempt at telling a comic book story in a fighting game, and actually having a plot in it.

I love fighting games, and Tekken, Street Fighter and SoulCalibur are some of the games I've spent most time playing. Seriously, I played Tekken 3 'til frickin' blisters erupted on my fingers.

Although I have to say, I was never the biggest fan of Mortal Kombat. I've played 'em, and I own one or two, and they're decent games and everything, but it always felt a bit clunky to me, in some way. That's also why I was initially hesitant about investing in Injustice, seeing as it also had NetherRealm behind it.

... Of course, I wound up trying the trailer and bought the CE of the game and I'm happy I did, and that's in no small part because of the effort they put into the story. It's not the greatest Justice League tale ever told - far from it - but it's decent, and they put effort into it.

My only problem with the game from release, really, was that I felt some character slots were wasted on characters that were sort of shoehorned in. For example, Killer Frost, Bane and Grundy all play the role of "Henchman #2", essentially - was it really necessary to have two big, burly Batman villains in there? Grundy could've been sacked and the spot used for something else. I kind of feel the same with Raven, where we only see the evil version - and partially with Nightwing, but at least his role in the Regime universe helped illustrate some of the differences between the two parallel universes. I'd have liked to see characters who actually played a part worth mentioning in the story.

And there, enter Scorpion, because by the very nature of being from another franchise, he's just shoehorned in. The two first DLC characters, Lobo and Batgirl (and Zod, if he is indeed the final one for this season pass, which it looks like he'll be) could be integrated in expansion packs or new story DLC, and combined with having pretty rad gameplay (Lobo) and being one of my favorite characters (Batgirl - although admittedly, I wouldn't have minded if it had been Stephanie Brown), I can get behind these characters even if they had not been my own choices for DLC. But Scorpion WILL be an outsider in a story context, even if his gameplay looks crazy (and it does). And there are a LOT of DC characters that could've been given their  chance to shine, especially as NetherRealm are obviously willing to include pretty minor characters in their game (read Raven, Grundy, Killer Frost).

On the positive side, though? Scorpion's look was redesigned by fucking Jim Lee, who is just an amazing artist. The gameplay looks pretty wild, as mentioned - they've obviously stayed loyal to the Scorpion character. And his throw, clash and win animations are just absolutely the tits.

Best part though? Might that just be a Martian Manhunter teaser at the end of the trailer?

I'm hoping it is - MMH is still my number one wish for a DLC character.

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